
I am a flawed human being, who’s experienced sexual traumas and made mistakes that were a disservice to the idea of sexual wellness.

My goal with Night & Day is to help people learn from my mistakes and traumas-

Ashwagandha, an immune-boosting adaptogen to fight today's stress.

As we adjust into the “new” normal of social distancing, anticipate constant developments around COVID-19 news, and acquaint ourselves with novel societal constraints, inevitably feelings of anxiety, uncertainty, fear, and stress have come up in many. Such worries and tension may have affected how good we feel about ourselves and others, physically, emotionally, mentally, and consequently, maybe even sexually.

Combatting the biological effects of such stressors is one of the integral ways to enhance our immunity and our overall feeling of wellbeing at this time, thus one herb we’d recommend to look into integrating into your day is Ashwagandha.

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A word on the COVID-19 Pandemic

As the way of the world would have it, we are finally being forced to stay inside to slow and hopefully end the spread of this new virus.

The carbon “foot-print” of the world is slowing down, arrays of business are no longer the main focus of society, and people are mandated to spend their days at home.

During this drastic shift in routine, Night & Day Wellness encourages you to take this time to tap into yourself.

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Suggested Products: Maca

We last explored the wonders of Maca in our previous post as a plant to consider especially during the stressful holiday/winter time.

Maca is an adaptogenic, which means that it helps to combat the adverse effects of stress on the body, which consequently can affect your hormone levels, libido, mood, energy, and overall equilibrium.

Here are our Maca product recommendations!

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Maca, a warming mood + energy booster

Settling deeper and deeper into the depths of autumn, and soon, winter, the sunlight hours shift, and the temperatures drop.

Maca root makes an excellent supplement, especially during this time, to counter some of the effects the changing seasons can bring to us mentally, physically, energetically, and even sexually.

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Suggested Products: Damiana

Our last post discussed the beauty of Damiana and its properties having intertwined themes with the current season.

As an aphrodisiac, Damiana is mainly known for assisting in increasing blood flow to the male and female sex organs, consequently improving libido and the potency and frequency of orgasms.

We’d like to share some of our favorite Damiana products with you for you to experience the benefits yourself!

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Damiana, an aphrodisiac of the season.

As we settle into the depths of Autumn and the Scorpio season, concepts of transformation, death, birth, rebirth are all themes prevalent during this period.

And due to these rulerships, quite naturally the excretory system and the sex system are governed by Scorpio and its planet Pluto.
”Scorpio is the magician, the transformer, the maker of higher things out of the lower and of lower things out of the higher. The processes of regeneration and degeneration are governed by the Scorpion and its planetary partner, Pluto.”

Being associated with Pluto and coinciding with sexual Scorpio, Damiana is thus a suitable herb to shed a spotlight on during this time.

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