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Ashwagandha, an immune-boosting adaptogen to fight today's stress.

Ashwagandha, an immune-boosting adaptogen to fight today's stress.


 As we adjust into the “new” normal of social distancing, anticipate constant developments around COVID-19 news, and acquaint ourselves with novel societal constraints, inevitably feelings of anxiety, uncertainty, fear, and stress have come up in many. Such worries and tension may have affected how good we feel about ourselves and others, physically, emotionally, mentally, and consequently, maybe even sexually.

Combatting the biological effects of such stressors is one of the integral ways to enhance our immunity and our overall feeling of wellbeing at this time, thus one herb we’d recommend to look into integrating into your day is Ashwagandha.


Latin name: Withania somnifera

Native to India and North Africa.

It has a bitter, earthy flavor.

Having been prescribed for thousands of years in Ayurvedic medicine, Ashwagandha is arguably one of the most known and prized Ayurvedic herbs.

Ashwagandha means “smell of the horse” as some say it smells like horse sweat and thus links it to horse-like vitality, stamina, and strength.

The many benefits of this herb lie in the fatty acids, amino acids, choline content, and medicinal chemicals it possesses such as withanolides and alkaloids. Choline in particular is an essential nutrient for liver function, brain development, a healthy functioning nervous system and metabolism.

Ashwagandha is an adaptogen – “an agent which helps the body adapt to various emotional and physical stressors.” It has often been prescribed in India to strengthen the immune system after illness and may be recommended for treatment post-chemo.

The herb’s adaptogenic qualities are suggested from studies that notably show Ashwagandha’s anxiolytic (anti-anxiety) and anti-depressant effects. A 2009 study recorded how over a 12 week period, one group taking Ashwagandha had a 55 percent decrease in anxiety versus a group taking psychotherapy, which decreased by 30.5 percent. Another study revealed it had comparative anti-anxiety effects to the anti-anxiety drug Lorazepam. However, taking Ashwagandha revealed no serious side effects which is significant considering the long list of side effects for synthetic anti-anxiety and anti-depressant drugs which include low sexual libido, appetite changes, insomnia, drowsiness.
It’s been concluded as a mood stabilizer for clinical depression.

Besides reducing feelings of anxiety and depression, it concurrently protects the brain from cell degeneration, lowers cortisol levels, and balances thyroid hormones.

As if these body-boosting effects weren’t enough for one’s wellbeing, Ashwagandha suppresses inflammation and studies have shown it can increase immunoglobulin production, or antibodies.

And if we haven’t stressed it enough, improved health also means improved sexual energy.

Ashwagandha’s stress-fighting properties is one big reason it helps boost sex drive, but studies have noticed its assistance in male fertility, sperm count/motility, and testosterone levels.

One study recorded how after 90 days men taking Ashwagandha increased sperm count by 167 percent, semen volume by 53 percent, and sperm motility by 57 percent compared to a placebo group.

Women are also not exempt from the sexual benefits of decreasing stress. Researchers studied how one group experienced sexual function improvements in arousal, lubrication, and orgasm for women compared to a placebo group. In addition, its adaptogenic properties can aid in balancing hormones and increasing blood production for menstrual concerns.


You may take Ashwagandha as a powder, tablet, tincture.



·    If you take anti-anxiety/antidepressant medications, thyroid medications, blood-thinners, sedatives, immunosuppressing medications, please take caution as it could interact.

·    Please do not take if you are pregnant or breast-feeding  

Kindly note we encourage every one to get to know and become in tune with their own bodies.
We are not doctors and these are not medical statements.
We encourage every individual, since we all have different needs and physicalities, to please do their own research before integrating these remedies into your own life.






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