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Night & Day Wellness

A word on the COVID-19 Pandemic

A word on the COVID-19 Pandemic

I’ve admittedly been distant from my site for some time…not feeling my best self, going through personal anxieties, interpersonal turmoil. I felt I wasn’t my best to give my best for this beloved blog.

Life events, relationships with others…and now a worldwide pandemic.
Like so many elements of LIVING, we humans can easily forget that so much can be out of our control.
And that can be frightening, threatening to a species that thrives off of the security of social structure, order, expectability.

Things have vastly become routine - you can schedule time to hang out with friends, when to focus on your hobbies, when to go to work, when to see family - you can schedule when you can run errands, and when you’d like to take a vacation.
Everything has become generally predictable.

However, the equilibrium of the world is always swaying back and forth, trying to balance.

My personal viewpoint is that it seems the world is vastly out of balance at this point in time.
So adjustments must be made to bring back health.

As the way of the world would have it, we are finally being forced to stay inside to slow and hopefully end the spread of this new virus.

The carbon “foot-print” of the world is slowing down, arrays of business are no longer the main focus of society, and people are mandated to spend their days at home.

During this drastic shift in routine, Night & Day Wellness encourages you to take this time to tap into yourself.

It’s almost as if the world is indeed telling you - go inside, go within yourself, re-examine, re-configure, rest, heal.

There aren’t many times in our human history that we are given this opportunity. (Yes I said it - “opportunity”)

We say that once you put down the angst, fear, anxiety and you understand you’ve done and are doing the best you can to maintain your financial, physical, basic well-being of your self and your loved ones, you are now being given a chance to really focus on your inner well-being - your mental, emotional, energetic, and yes, sexual well-being.

Whether you are cooped-up with friends, family, a significant other, or you are living alone, the unusual circumstances and the extended amount of time around the same individuals or in solitude can sometimes take a toll.

So designate some time to focus on pleasuring your self again, getting to know yourself or expanding your knowledge of your self.
Focus on your breathe, your heart, your flowing blood within your veins and dive within to give yourself the peace, joy, and pleasure you so deserve. Tap into the the fantasies, the cravings, the curiosities…but also the stuck emotions, the shame, the traumas, the imbalances, and give yourself permission to let go at this time. Communicate with yourself.

How did you feel before sex with yourself?
How did you feel after?
What thoughts/emotions arise from this self-loving session?
Are you thinking too much?
Are you thinking too little about sex? Like has self-sex just become a mundane, numbing, quick gratification activity to pass time? Why?
Are you feeling too little when you have sex? Like do you feel you aren’t as sensitive to sensation or your libido isn’t the same? Why?
Are there sensations you like/don’t like?
Are there sensations that you want to feel?
Do you love your self enough?
Do you proactively do things to enhance a better state of body, mind, energy?
Do you have any concerns about your sexuality? Why?
Do you feel any blocks in your body?
Do you feel connected to yourself and free to express yourself sexually?
Have you ever thought that your sexual energy can be an indicator for something more than just sex as a physical activity?
Have you ever thought to incorporate ways to improve your sexual wellness?
Have you even considered that wellness and health and nutrition include the considerations of realm of sex?
Do you prioritize this kind of time with yourself? Or just any reflective and/or pleasuring time with yourself at all?

If you’re with a lover/lovers, then it’s an excellent time to also explore, take your time, connect, communicate.
Communicate about what you want, don’t want, like, dislike. Try new methods of connecting and exploring each other’s bodies, and acknowledge you all have the time to take it slow, to build-up, to all release, to all savor each other in the littlest ways you may or may not have done before and to cultivate a better understanding and bond.

How does your lover/lovers make you feel?
How do you feel after having sex with them?
Do you feel safe, vulnerable with them?
Do you feel free with them?
Do you feel valued and even worshipped by them?
How can you enhance those feelings?
Do you take the time to show them you value and worship them too?
What do you love that they do and want them to do more of?
Is there any power-play or energy shift during sex?
Do you take the time to ask each other what fantasies you have?
Do you guys listen to each other? not just verbally, but each other’s bodies?
Do you guys show you care about eachother’s boundaries, physical/emotional/energetic well-being?
Is caring about each other’s sexual wellness important to you all?
Do you use herbs, plants, oils, supplements, etc to enhance your sexual wellness together? If not, would you?
How can you cultivate a deeper connection that transcends sex?

And maybe, just maybe we will all gain a better sense of interconnectedness with ourselves and each other when this subsides and we run back to the outer world.

Currently we are being humbled by the un-expectability of Life on a worldwide scale.

And while that shatters the social structure we’ve been almost mind-numbingly accustomed to, let us not forget how adaptable humans can really be if they allowed themselves to tap into this.
You cannot become stagnant, otherwise Life will overwhelm you.
So going within your self is one way to help you shake the stagnancy.

Chaos brings opportunities for Peace
Destruction brings opportunities for Re-growth
Panic and Fear bring opportunities for Mindfulness and Inner-reflection.

I hope everyone is staying safe and healthy at this time!

Let’s stay connected on ig: @nightanddaywellness and let us know how you’re doing and what content you’d like to see!

Ashwagandha, an immune-boosting adaptogen to fight today's stress.

Ashwagandha, an immune-boosting adaptogen to fight today's stress.

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