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4 Reasons Why Trying CBD Oil During Sex Should Be On Your New Year's Resolutions

4 Reasons Why Trying CBD Oil During Sex Should Be On Your New Year's Resolutions

No matter what your New Years Resolutions are - it usually comes down to self care and cultivating your self more.

Going to the gym, drinking more water, meditating, saving money, pursuing education or your business - they are all ways, big or small that you deem can make a difference in bettering your body, your mind, your life.

Now, what’s stopping you from putting “an enhanced sexual experience” on your New Year’s Resolutions?

In today’s world where the pandemic persists into another year and everything feels uncertain, it’s always beneficial to go within and be mindful of the ways we can improve.

Does it sound shallow to want to enhance your sex life? We think not.
Our sexual energy, creative energy, life energy can be a real indicator of a lot more we can cultivate within ourselves - More tranquility, more joy, more excitement, more mindfulness, more communication, more self-acceptance, more open-mindedness, more play, more authentic connection with our selves and others.

Now, we aren’t saying you have to feel any specific way about your sex life - you have every right to decide if something is for you or not, but what if you experimented experiencing and perceiving sex from a different angle? You’re human and you’re allowed to change, shift, grow into new perspectives and opinions. Isn’t that what Life is all about?

That’s the goal of BAWDY Beauty and its founder, Sylwia.

BAWDY is a clean beauty brand making bold moves in the skincare and wellness industry. They recently came out with an Organic CBD + CBG Oral Lubricant called BLOW made to shake up the sex experience through a quality holistic herbal concoction including organic camellia and sunflower oil. They specifically want to eradicate the taboos against oral sex and make people more open to the opening, giving, receiving practice that it is.

CBD (Cannabidiol) is quite self-explanatory in today’s age. It is a chemical found in the marijuana plant, called a cannabinoid, which our bodies have innate receptors to specifically. It is non psycho-active versus it’s counterpart THC, which is another cannabinoid that is responsible for the high one obtains from marijuana.
CBG (Cannabigerol) is lesser known. It is also a cannabinoid and is how CBD starts out as. It is actually harder to obtain compared to CBD, making it more rare and expensive. The way CBG works is arguably more effective and direct than CBD in delivering its benefits.

So here’s why we think trying a CBD/CBG oil during sex should be on your 2022 resolutions:

1) Novelty
Yes it’s completely new. Novelty for Novelty’s sake.
Aside from the experience of smoking bud to get aroused, CBD oil adds a more sensual element. It makes the sexual experience more unexpected. Many times, what the sexual experience can come down to is just trying something new with your lover(s). A change like this could have you exploring new moves, new sensations, new sexual practices. You may have also used oils before but what about an oil you ingest that actually contributes to your sense of relaxation, openness, focus.
Which leads us to our next point.

2) You’ll feel more relaxed.
Do you ever struggle with too many thoughts during sex?
Are you feeling caught up in your own insecurity? Over-analyzations?
Are you feeling closed up and rigid?
Do you have trouble just focusing on the present experience and connection with your lover(s)?

CBD is now widely used to assist in offsetting anxiety and depression, even PTSD, without the mile long list of side-effects that come with prescription pharmaceuticals.
You could be finding your self more receptive, more open, more giving, and more open to receiving.

3) You might enjoy sex more or it will rekindle you and your relationships sexually
Sex, especially in monogomous relationships, can sometimes become routine and expected over time. So along with point 1 (Novelty), you might enjoy sex more with a little change in the routine. You might enjoy sex with this new added element and it can be a doorway to a position you discover, a sex ritual or practice you want to incorporate more, a newfound appreciation for you and your lover(s.)

Or offering this product might be a little act of devotion to you partner(s) that you are making an effort to rekindle your lives sexually. CBD, being so commonplace now, won’t seem too foreign to others. (C’mon even your neighbor’s poodle takes it with their daily dog vitamin.) So even if your partner has never smoked a bowl…well they must’ve heard of CBD’s positive benefits by now.

4) You’ll be showing your self and others that you actually value the sexual experience.
Sex shouldn’t just be a mindless act. It can be, and in some situations sometimes we want it to be, sure. But overall it can tell you a lot about where you are at emotionally, mentally, even spiritually.

The simple act of wanting to explore means that you actually want there to be more to your sex life than just “fucking.” And what better way to explore and say you value your self and others than with a quality-crafted CBD oil product - not just a $5 product from your neighborhood adult store with mystery chemicals in it. (No judgement we enjoy the neighborhood adult store, but minus all the chemicals)

We aren’t mindless creatures working simply from our body’s impulses to let an orgasm out. There’s imagination, art, play, adventure, exploration, emotion, bonding, connection.
And we think that’s a great thing. That’s why our blog exists. (So yes we are a bit bias about that.)

You can find BAWDY’s BLOW Intimate CBD/CBG Oral Lubricant on their website:

Follow them on IG @bawdybeauty

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